
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018
We go back to our normal programing this wdeek, after two months of epicness. In the news Arizona gives us tips on how to get away with child porn. Billy and Brian talk about Wrestlemania 34. Vince McMahon stops by for an interview. Finally balderdash makes it glorious return.
We'd like to thank all of our listeners for staying tuned. Without you we'd still have alomost no listeners. We love ya!
check us out on instagram at paint it blackpodcast

Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Episode# 270 Battle of the bands final
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
We conclude the battle of the bands. Many tough decsions were made, some were brought to tears, others were sent home packing. Like the highlander, there can only be one in the end. We talk Avengers infinity war as well. We speculate on who will show up. A seance is held, and we summon the king for one final interview.
We here at Paint it black apprciate your continued support. For those of you who still listen to us after all this time, we love you guys!
check us out on instagram at paint it blackpodcast

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Episode# 269 Sean Connery is a real man
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
We get back to our march madness bracket, the battle of the bands. Brian falks about his adventures durung his bachelor party. Jeff ross and Dave attell roast him on the show, and he talks of his first drinks in 18 months. We invite Sean connery to the show tonight for an exclusive interview. Sean has much disrespect to all pansies. We would like to thank all of our listeners for your continued support. We love ya!
check us out on instagram at paint it blackpodcast

Monday Mar 12, 2018
Episode#268 The return of the Russo
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Monday Mar 12, 2018
This week professional podcaster, and host of GUNGO podcast, "Mr New York" himself, Mike Russo is back on the show. He lays down his takes on all the latest comic movies he's watched. We then drag him into the second half of the first roun of the battle of the bands. It's always a great tim when we all get together, so enjoy the show.
check us out on instagram at paint it blackpodcast

Monday Mar 05, 2018
Episode#267 March Madness Part 1
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
We had some Technical difficulties on tonights show. We lost lost the first hal due to an application crash, Thanks Podbean. However we recover, and do our first half of our yearlt March Madness Bracket. This year we have a Battle of the bands. All of the all time rock bands battle it out for to be the last one standing.
check us out on instagram at paint it blackpodcast

Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Episode#266 The Brushies
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
We're finally here!!Our first annual Brushiie awards. Where we give out brushies to all the movies you voted for, on our social media. Many special guests including, Christian Slater, Bevis and Butthead, Walt Disney, Tommy Wiseau, Yoda, Slyvester Stallone, Donald Trump, And a special post show interview with John Malkovitch. We also discuss the Marvel universe, why it works, and why the DCU doesn't. Baldardash again decides the match. So enjoy the show, and thanks for listening.
check us out on instagram at paint it blackpodcast

Monday Feb 19, 2018
episode #265 President Trumps first President day twice
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Brian start's off the show with a rousing story of facebook trolling. A man insists that he is right, but when logic comes into play, he doubles down on being wrong. Billy then leaves so we can have the governator himself stop by, for a quick interview. Arnold lays down his three changes for America, and tells us who is in fact a pussy. We then go through our last two catagories for the first ever brushies awards. It all gets wrapped up with some dash. Look for some good music from the presidents of the united states of america, bobby darin, and some mega man band. Thanks for listening as always! without you we couldn't continue to do this part time!

Monday Feb 05, 2018
Episode #264 And their bombs, And their bombs
Monday Feb 05, 2018
Monday Feb 05, 2018
We get this one in right before the biggest game of the year, Brianvs Billy 20 lol, No the Superbowl of course. We all describe what this day means to us. Whether it be the commercials, the food te game, or betting like degenerates it truely is the great Ameican holiday. All of our lovely ladies help us out by reading off more nominies for the brushies later this month. A new sex position is dicussed called the amazon. Is it demeaning to Men? Finally PIB has a realization as we figure out that Zombiver and over again. We have e by the Cranberries,rhymes bombs, and appreciate you for listing We had a great time recording this show , and appreciate you listening. Check us out on IRN and Radiovegas.rocks, Like the facebook page, and download the radio vegas mobile app.
Tweet us https://twitter.com/PIBComics

Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Episode#263 The Spirit of Disney
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
Tuesday Jan 23, 2018
This week we're visited by a special guest Mr. Walt Disney himself. He's back from the grave for one interview only, and he chose your favorite Misfits to do it. More music is added to the show, as we added two more musical breaks, giving you, our listener a chance to hear some good tunes. The Brushies was continued as we went through our catagory for the best cast in 2017. News was reported on as always, and we finished with some epic balderdash. We'd like to thank all of you as always for listening and much love to you!!!

Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Episode#262 We get a visit from Trump
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
In this wees show our commander and chief stops for th best visit ever. We go through week two of our award show nominies. This weeks catagories are best horror film, and most memorable in a movie. We do do the dash and crown a winner.